Library at PKTC plays a vital role in furthering the academic and research mission of PKTC and facilitates creation and dissemination of knowledge. Library is place in the PKTC Campus with its collection of books and journals in the field of Engineering, Science and Technology and related areas, the efficiency and effectiveness of our electronic resources and our professional services. Library stands as a unique Knowledge Center that is used to access essentialinformation various resources and services to meet the information needs.
Library of PKTC is rapidly developing its collection of books, reference books, reports, periodicals and electronic resources. The Text Book Collection in the Library provides vital support for ongoing Diploma, Graduate, Post-Graduate programs. The Books are in various disciplines ranging from Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry & Master of Business Administration etc. Library is completely automated by using SmartSchool Library Management Software.
Total Library Area: 400. Sq. Meters.
There are Reference Section, Circulation Section, Reading Hall, Journals and Other Book Collection Section.
The library is computerized using Smart School MIS Software and independently uses one server (Reference Section) with four terminals. Internet connectivity also is operated for addition of new books selected from various web-sites; in addition to routine selection and procurement process.
To help the students in accessing the E-Resources and other reference available on-line, a Digital Library has been also set up in the Library.
The total number of books exceeds 14119.
Library regularly subscribes to 36 titles.
06 newspapers and 5 magazines are regularly subscribed and are made available in Reading Hall for students and staff.
A separate stock of over More than 1100 CDs is maintained separately.
Circulation (Book Issue & Return):- Monday to Saturday 8.00 am to 6.30pm Reading Hall: - Monday to Friday – 8.00 am to 4.00pm
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